Hope for lights campaigners in Millennium Green

Filton Town Council has agreed to investigate options to put lights in Millennium Green after local campaigners lobbied councillors urging action.

Last month, Filtonvoice reported how the Friends of Millennium Green said lights were needed for safety during the winter months. The park, off Northville Road, has no lights and the campaigners say they fear that dog walkers, pictured, could be attacked.

‘Friends’ spokesperson Hannah Morley told councillors: “We propose that Filton Town Council stands up for women’s safety. We often have no choice but to walk our dogs in the dark and it is frightening.

“We will text each other to walk together and we have to take these extra efforts just to stay safe. We did a survey which showed 85% of respondents said they felt safe and 80% said it would be safer with lights installed. we don’t want the whole park lit, just key areas. Our freedom of movement is limited by this.”

One resident, opposed to a lights scheme, said: “It is inappropriate to ask for lighting in an energy crisis. Dog walkers could walk around the streets when it’s dark.”

Councillors said there were demands from all parts of Filton for improvements such as this but agreed to obtain quotes, check funding options, explore lighting options which were not ‘on’ permanently and contact the South Glos Environmental team.

A public meeting would then be held to get feedback.